Viktor Drobnyi is a PhD Student in Engineering and an ESR in the CBIM project sponsored by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie foundation. Viktor holds a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Innopolis University and a Master's Degree in Informatics with a major in Computer Vision from the Technical University of Munich. He also has industry experience and worked as a computer vision engineer at RoadAR. Viktor's PhD research is focused on the automation of infrastructure object detection of buildings on raw sensor data, including point cloud data and image data. The project aims to reduce labour costs associated with the modelling of digital twins. As a part of the study, he is adopting the latest advancements from the deep learning field, developing a framework that incorporates design priors to improve detection and utilizing active learning approaches to empower the framework with every new building processed. This research is performed under supervision by Dr Ioannis Brilakis. Viktor is a member of Darwin College.