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Laing O'Rourke Centre for Construction Engineering and Technology


The Construction Engineering Masters (CEM) is widely acknowledged as the only course of its kind developing leaders in the construction industry.

This unique and highly acclaimed course focuses on educating and inspiring emerging leaders to help them effect change in the construction sector. The programme is designed to enhance students’ skills, confidence and sector-wide networks, benefitting their professional development and ultimately the performance of their companies and the industry.

The Construction Engineering Masters programme offers direct benefits to individual participants and sponsoring organisations: 


Benefits to students

  • The CEM course has supported accelerated career progression for many former students. Students will gain the new skills and insights needed to tackle some of the most pressing construction challenges. They will be equipped to become industry leaders, making a tangible contribution to the positive transformation of the sector.
  • The part-time format of the course permits students to continue their professional careers while studying. 
  • CEM cohorts average 25-35 students, with each cohort forming a closely bonded group of innovative, supportive and like-minded thinkers with significant scope for peer-to-peer learning
  • The course offers substantial opportunities to engage with other cohorts to further build networks, knowledge and expertise.   
  • Students become full members of Queens’ College, where they benefit from hospitality during residential weeks, a lifetime College membership and CEM alumni network.

Benefits to organisations

For organisations that sponsor students, the programme offers two core benefits. First, sponsorship provides an opportunity to support, retain and demonstrate commitment to the organisation’s highest flyers and to deliver your future leaders.  Secondly, by working with the students during and after the programme, their skills, expertise, and studies can be focused on delivering wider benefits for the organisation.  Research is usually aligned to meet the combined interests of the student and their sponsoring organisation.

An increasing number of companies are adopting this programme as a key training opportunity to develop their current and future leaders pool.

This degree is accredited by the JBM (the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and the Institute of Highway Engineers) as meeting the requirements for Further Learning for a Chartered Engineer (CEng) for candidates who have already acquired a partial CEng accredited undergraduate first degree.


Key learning objectives 

Understanding state of the art and evaluating the latest developments.

Enhancing leadership, communication and analytical skills.
Engaging with policymakers, industry experts and experienced professionals. 
Designing, building and operating a net zero carbon, resource efficiency and resilient future. 
Digital transformation 
Understanding how data and digital technologies are changing the world of construction.
Systems thinking 
Managing infrastructure as an interconnected system delivering services to society.