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Laing O'Rourke Centre for Construction Engineering and Technology


Research forms a key pillar upon which the Centre stands to drive transformation in the construction sector. 

The Centre delivers a research portfolio directly aligned to the needs of the industry and places a strong emphasis on technology and innovation – covering all of the strategic areas highlighted by the Construction Sector Deal (2018) as key for delivering transformative goals. 

Read more at: Digital Engineering, Data and Computer Vision

Digital Engineering, Data and Computer Vision

Digital Engineering encompasses a vast and growing area of study including everything from on-site automation and machine learning to exploring the use of building information modelling or satellite data for infrastructure monitoring.

Read more at: Performance & Productivity
Procurement and Productivity

Performance & Productivity

The construction sector requires a new vision to achieve unprecedented productivity levels, embrace net-zero buildings and infrastructure, create better jobs and enhance resilience for future uncertainties.

Read more at: Procurement


The procurement process plays a critical role in the construction industry. It sets the project culture and defines the value sought and delivered. It thus has a big role to play in transforming the industry.

Read more at: Skills


The construction industry plays a crucial role in enabling a thriving society by providing and maintaining buildings and infrastructure. However, the industry’s workforce faces particular challenges, including labour shortages – especially in specific trades, an ageing workforce, and difficulties...

Read more at: Sustainability


According to the World Green Building Council , buildings currently account for ~39% of global energy-related carbon emissions, including contributions from both "operational" energy (~28%) used in heating, cooling, and lighting etc. during the use of a building, and "embedded" emissions (~11%) in...

Read more at: Underground Construction

Underground Construction

In an era of proliferating populations, extensive urbanisation, and escalating climate change, underground construction holds considerable promise for innovative solutions to build the resilient and sustainable infrastructure of tomorrow.

Read more at: Wellbeing in Construction Forum

Wellbeing in Construction Forum

The Wellbeing in Construction Forum brings together academia, industry, and people with lived experience to discuss initiatives and move forward the wellbeing agenda in construction.