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Laing O'Rourke Centre for Construction Engineering and Technology



Rebecca joined the Energy Efficient Cities initiative at the University of Cambridge Engineering department in April 2011 under a Daphne Jackson Fellowship funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, to work in the area of energy modelling and simulation with Dr Ruchi Choudhary. At that time she was investigating the potential to reduce carbon emissions arising from the supply and use of energy in the buildings at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, which involved the environmental performance modelling of individual buildings and the development of a bespoke model for the ornamental glasshouses. Currently, in addition to being responsible for the ongoing development of the department’s Greenhouse Energy Simulator program, she is studying the stochastic energy simulation of buildings and parameterisation of uncertainty in building energy simulation models. Her particular interest is the way in which occupant actions affecting building energy demand are best simulated and quantification of the uncertainty associated with occupant-led demands. She is nearing completion of a part-time PhD sponsored by Laing O’Rourke in which she is exploring the use of functional data analysis to develop more realistic occupant-related loads for building energy simulation.  She is currently employed at the Alan Turing Institute as a Research Associate in the Data-Centric Engineering group.

iCase PhD student, sponsored by Laing O'Rourke
Rebecca Ward

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